Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Birthday John Brown of Torrington Connecticut

John Brown was born in Torrington Connecticut on May 9, 1800. He died in 1859. Hanged, found guilty of treason for trying to ignite a slave revolt in West Virginia. He resorted to violence to fight a wrong (human slavery) that irked him so much that he risked his life ( actually lost his) and that of his sons to stop end it. Please watch the You Tube videos or do your own research to find out more about John Brown.

Looks like history judges him as a strong factor in the fate of slavery being decided through the bloody civil war to come. Even in America an evil could only be corrected with the blood of men that really did not have a personal stake in the fight. Lets hope we have grown smarter since that and will never again turn on one another. America is still young. But we do have some evil things going on. Below is something that I cut and pasted from the Torrington Connecticut Histrical Socity web site.

As always, peace and all good to you. Protect the innocent, old, andweak,. may Christ have Mercy on us.

John Brown

Of all the sons and daughters ever born on Connecticut soil, perhaps no one has exerted a more profound impact on the nation’s history than John Brown. Born high atop the scenic hills of Torrington on May 9, 1800, the future abolitionist spent the first years of his life imbibing the stern rigors of his father’s old-line Calvinism. Though he soon moved west and for years was plagued by a series of disastrous business ventures, he never abandoned his faith. Indeed, emerging from the 2nd Great Awakening of the early decades of the 19th century as an evangelical Protestant, he eventually dedicated his life to eradicating what he deemed to be American’s greatest sin – the enslavement of human beings.

Enlisting in the burgeoning abolitionist crusade of the 1830s, Brown initially hoped that slave owners might see the error of their ways through “moral suasion.” Still, like many other abolitionists, he warned that if southerners failed to emancipate their slaves voluntarily, an angry God would reap His revenge against the nation via a bloody civil war.

When his plans to distribute guns to slaves to launch a guerrilla war failed, he was captured, tried, convicted of treason, and sentenced to death. Interestingly, Brown seemed to relish his notoriety and perhaps understood that his martyrdom might well bring the nation closer to a civil war that could end in the demise of slavery. At any rate, what is certain is that Brown’s daring actions sent shock waves throughout the country. In the North, he was hailed by many as a hero and Ralph Waldo Emerson predicted that Brown “would make the gallows as glorious as the cross.” In the South, however, he was viewed by most as a typical abolitionist who wanted nothing less than a major slave insurrection. In all, John Brown was indeed “the meteor” who succeeded in polarizing emotions and elevating southern anxieties into a “crisis of fear” that set the stage for the impending Civil War.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Uncle Sam wants your money for embryonic stem cell research. An evil bridge to nowhere.

Our government wants more of your hard earned money to sink into embryonic stem cell research. The stem cells taken from human beings that have not been born yet. Those human beings are actually killed for their stem cells. Well here is a plain talk column from a reader of the Baltimore Sun Newspaper. EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS HAVE NEVER CURED ANYTHING. False hopes to fuel our societies acceptance of the harvesting of body parts from unborn human beings. On the side bar of this blog is a link to info on the success of the use of adult stem cells.(no one gets killed or hurt and the government doesn't waste your money on the stem cells that come from innocent, wasted human beings).

Glad I was born before anyone knew about stem cells. Aren't you?

Adult stem cells provide real cures February 26, 2009

Adult stem cell research has produced treatments for 73 different conditions, while embryonic stem cell research has not produced a single therapy or helped a single patient. But those facts were conveniently omitted from a recent column advocating increased taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research ("Stem cell opportunity," Commentary, Feb. 20).

The column also neglected to mention the biggest advance in stem cell research in the last decade - the creation of induced pluripotent stem cells.

That development allows researchers to reprogram adult stem cells to behave like embryonic stem cells without destroying human embryos. It was hailed by the journal Science as the scientific breakthrough of 2008 and trumpeted on a recent Time magazine cover.

Maryland taxpayers have dedicated $36 million to stem cell research in the last two years. But only projects involving adult stem cell research have produced therapies that are actually treating patients.

Maybe there's a reason venture capitalists are wary to invest private dollars in embryonic stem cell research: It doesn't work.

Our elected officials should follow their lead, and use shrinking state taxpayer dollars prudently by funding proven, ethical research that is now treating patients: adult stem cell research, including work with induced pluripotent stem cells. Nancy E. Paltell

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ad rejected by NBC for Superbowl

This ad, which is very positive message concerning President Obama, and his election, was reported to be have been rejected by NBC for airing during the Superbowl. If true, pretty sad. Any way this is a short video with a very positive theme.

Can this happen here

When a sub culture exists that wishes to serve Satan and themselves. Will they not use the unsuspecting to carry out human sacrifice. One way to look at what happened to the millions of innocent murdered during the Holocaust. Not ancient history. A mere sixty five years ago. Look at the story of Edith Stein. Her "crime". Being born Jewish.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fight anti Semetic propaganda support Israel

Here is some truth about The Nation of Israel attempting to defend itself. Sent to me by my friend Bruce Tuchman. Please take some time and watch the videos and share with your friends.

Everyone is asking what is it that we can do to help Israel. Here is something very easy -
In the last 2 days, Israelis have released incredible videos on youtube to get their message out to offset the Arab propaganda around the world looking to stop Israel from protecting
its citizens.

Help get these messages out to everyone in your Jewish community, your Christian friends, and the White House,

Get these messages out as quickly as possible - to help Israel - email to everyone & anyone you know

We've all complained that Israel suffers from a lack of good PR but this time they are doing it right & we need to help.

Here an incredible video from Israel.
Watch it and send to all people in your address book.
Remember, in Europe everything started with propaganda against the Jews. Lets make sure we send the true facts so people know the reality and hopefully will be more people pro-Israel.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

On this day, God became man. The word was made flesh. I woke up in the United States this morning. Free, safe, and filled with hope. Thanks to our nation's military. By the grace of God, I was born in America. May The Lord watch over our brave warriors, and bless them.